Sunday, June 17, 2007

Photo of the Week - Slussen

Slussen, originally uploaded by Tolby.

A bunch of people passing the time on a sunny sunday at Slussen in Stockholm.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Photo of the Week - Cow on West Bay

Cow on West Bay, originally uploaded by Tolby.

A photo taken last summer on a walk around West Bay in Dorset, England. A fine cow with a beautiful view over the town and the sea - which is out of shot to the right.... One of the best cow fields in the country to be sure.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Photo of the Week - Dublin Spire

Dublin Spire, originally uploaded by Tolby.

This is a black and white shot of , well the Dublin Spire. Quite an impressive tall pointy pole in the centre of Dublin, it dominates the city which has few other tall buildings. The shot was taken last summer when I was visiting Dublin for the first time in ten years, and how it had changed!